Spiritual Direction

with Crossfire Christian Ministries

“Spiritual direction” is an ancient practice of meeting on a regular basis with a trained and trusted companion-guide to reflect deeply on your relationship with God. As you consider your relationship with the help of a trained listener who is walking their journey of faith with you, you recognize God’s presence and grace in your daily life of ordinary responsibilities.

Spiritual Direction can be an opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love for you – just as you are – wherever you are with God.

Spiritual direction can be an avenue of drawing closer to Him and responding ever more faithfully to God.  Spiritual direction is about exploring daily experiences and engaging in meaningful conversation to discover God’s movement. It helps us look honestly at our own areas of growth and work with another to help us address those areas with intention - discovering how to notice God’s presence and discern your response to God’s love.

  • Trust is at the foundation of everything we do.

  • Typically this is the case, however we will work together to address each client’s needs accordingly.

  • Zoom, Facetime, Google Meet, or your favorite coffee shop.

There is a fee for this service. If you are interested in learning more, please email: crossfirechristianm@gmail.com

Dr. Ben Pickett received his certification in spiritual direction from the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education at Fordham University (Bronx, NY) and has been a practicing director since 2018.

Ben Pickett DMin, CSD